This site was removed from, in July 2004. Now I find it appropriate to enter the article again, complete with all links, which will be made available, as soon as possible. This will be one of's actions against greyzonecrime.
9 August 2003 Skailand Kranservice will assist SeaEx AS (former. Grenland Sub Sea AS) in a project to rescue a 958 ton load of silicate mineral, from the ship Zenitas, who sank 6. June 2000, 3,5 kilometer out from Tallinn, Estonia (Estland). More detail's when the mission is completed late in August 2003.
 From deck on the ship used by Seaex AS, in the salvage outside Tallinn, Estonia. In default of ore, clay comes as second-best. 28 August 2003 A lot of money from the clay bottom, or a lot of clay bottom from the money, time will show.
27 September 2003 How long will it last?
Source of this setup: Dagens Næringsliv, There is at present time 20 claims in debt-collecting agency's aggressiveness (inkasso), the oldest case are 18 monts old.
Officially Name |
Post-address |
Drangedalsveien 100 3920 PORSGRUNN |
Visit-address |
Drangedalsveien 100 3920 PORSGRUNN | |
Forms of Business Organization |
Joint-Stock Company (AS) |
Organization Number |
980801802 |
Results For Year: |
2002 |
Annual Sales/Turnover |
645 000 |
Result Before Tax |
-1 545 000 |
Trading Result |
-1 396 000 |
Own Capital |
-3 383 000 | Source: |
The administration team of Seaex AS, Norway (former Grenland Sub Sea AS, Norway.) Pål Espen Gauslaa, Supervisor at the site. Sjur Jørgen Øvrevik, (The Company "Norsk Finansanalyse ASA", Kristiansand, Norway. Torgils Skajaa, Chairman of the board of directors & Solicitor/Lawyer. (apparently Freemason, VII LL, check HERE for yourself. And check out , to see if you may find any persons of interest there!)
Pictures from the site, at times everything were contaminated by clay.
 The hydraulic system on the "ROC" (remote operated crane), cause some of the problems, by need of maintenance. SeaEx AS, has in a document, indicated possible errors in the hydraulic-parts, supplied from a company in Norway. Consider the environment all work and oil-filling were executed in, and the way the equipment was treat, always surround by clay, it must be more likely to talk about the miracle, how long the equipment did last. In additional, the hydraulic system had several minor constructional defects, like no (for me) visible filters, proportional-control valves from Danfoss, designed for max. 10 Bar(G) at the T port. and a under-dimensioned pipe/hose/fittings system. When running the system on deck, some points on the hydraulic line, create enough resistance to heat up these particular points. The pressure in the return-system (T) is not known, but is likely to have been quite high. And since the proportional-control valves were mounted in a chamber, set to vacuum, the pressure of the water column, must be added to the already existing counterpressure in the return system, at least concerning the valves. They had a tendenc to be leaking. All together there were refill'd roughly 3000 liters of hydraulic oil on the "ROC", at the site outside Tallinn, generally caused by oil-leaks.
1 October 2003 SeaEx AS despatch a "Form of Acceptance" to all creditors. (Later information indicates that there are some strategic exceptions). The document tells the story behind this reportage by SeaEx AS own words. Download from this web-site: Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6 Page7 The documents are in jpg, total 1,3Mb. all in Norwegian text.
7 October 2003 SeaEx AS will probable go into bankruptcy.
8 October 2003 Latest news, not confirm yet. The contract between SeaEx AS and the Assurance Company, wich is the owner of the cargo of silicate mineral, was not valid, so SeaEx AS may even loose everything. The complete salvage-operation in Tallinn will then cause a total loss of roughly 5.400.000 NKR. The news made me smile, it cant be true.
9 October 2003
SeaEx AS will probably soon collapse. Feedback from the web indicates that SeaEx AS, have lost not only a big amount of money, but also all credibility from potential joint venture company's, and will obvious have problems to rice capital in any future project. Some of the men behind SeaEx AS, is already well-known in Norway!!!
11 October 2003
The newspaper Fædrelandsvennen, Kristiansand, publish'd a coverage of SeaEx AS's situation. The report may be downloaded from by entering HERE!
Unfortunately only in Norwegian text.
15 October 2003 Skailand Kranservice was contacted by the owner of the umbilical-winsh, after reading the information that's available in He needed transport for the equipment. The operation was organized, see "Safe job Analysis" in this web-site, to avoid any unfortunate incident/accident.
17 October 2003
 Skailand Kranservice execute the transportation of the umbilical-winch, from SeaEx AS site in Porsgrunn. In the "Form of Acceptance", Torgils Skajaa quote from Murphy's Law, No. 4. "If anything can go wrong, it will" Murphy's Law has several Laws that seems to be developed particularly for SeaEx AS. Here is four of the statements. 1. Quantization Revision of Murphy's Laws:
Everything goes wrong all at once. 2. Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics:
Things get worse under pressure. 3. Murphy's Constant:
Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value 4. Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse.
To secure the claim at SeaEx AS, a container with some equipment, was confiscate by Skailand Kranservice, the same evening the umbilical-winsh was transported to it's owner in Stavanger. Follow the development of this affair by this web-site. All new information will be made public to the web. The transportation was execute in a professional way, and no of Murphy's Laws were made effective.
18 October 2003
The financial newspaper "Finansavisen" publish'd a detail coverage, covering the centrespread.

Download the page and read the story, unfortunately the page is in Norwegian language.
19 October 2003 In the "Form of Acceptance", the conclusion of the board of SeaEx AS were definitely. All creditor's had to accept the formular. Otherwise they could not see any other solution, but would have to declare SeaEx AS bankrupt. Skailand Kranservice rejected all form of co-operating, and requested SeaEX AS by mail, 7 October 2003, to declare themself bankrupt. Download the document HERE! This has not yet been done. I wonder whether they are looking for some way to continue the enterprise. www.mobilcrane.com22 October 2003
The confiscate of the equipment-container, was reported to the Police in Telemark, and are now a subject of investigating. Based on this web-site, the Police will not have any problem to solve the case. Download the document SeaEx AS did send to the Police HERE! The document is only available in Norwegian text.
24 October 2003 Skailand Kranservice was contacted by an affected company's owner, lawyer Andreas Bjørn "Boa" Salvesen (apparently, also Freemason, VIII PT, check HERE for yourself) from Farsund. The intention of the meeting, was to solve this matter in a generally way. A part-payment was negotiated forward, and "Boa" Salvesen passed on the proposal to the board of SeaEx AS.
28 October 2003 "Boa" Salvesen received a message from SeaEx AS. They did not want to settle this situation in a generally way, and based the decision in the statement, that SeaEx AS belive to hold a good case against Skailand Kranservice. If SeaEx AS had accepted the proposal, they could have ended this conflict, for the low price of 43.400 NKR. Although it would had been nice to end this dispute, Skailand Kranservice are satisfied to know that the story from the salvage in Tallinn, will be available for anyone of interest, on this web-site, until SeaEx AS has paid the amount of the invoice, including mora interest and all expenses/charges/costs.
( Later, the meeting with "Boa" Salvesen, was used against me, and the suspect Mr. "Boa" Salvesen, then appear as a witness against me, to witness that I was responsible for the "theft" of the equipment from Seaex AS. If they had read the site about themself, they would not had any need for any testimony.) 29 October 2003 Google has shown it's superiority, this site will from now on be found on almost any search key. 30 October 2003
When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Skailand Kranservice has started an inquiry, to check if there has been any violation of the law, regarding SeaEx AS long-lasting management, on the cost of all creditors. A chairman of a board of directors, which is a solicitor, is placed under special requirement, regarding the laws of Norway. ( Unfortunately the law in Norway, is at the benefit for
3 November 2003 Everything is quiet now, no additional remarks so far. This affair has taken to much of my time, Skailand Kranservice will concentrate in future prospects. If SeaEx AS still keep on it's activity, without liability to pay the bill's, I will for certain take the costs of requesting SeaEx AS bankrupt. To do that, a handling charge of 20.000 NKR has to be paid.
4 November 2003
![Klikk for å se kun bildet]() Enter the site here. | By search in google, information indicates that there may be some large sums invested in other business organizations. Enter the "Canada NewsWire" and check for your self. The information is presumably from 2002, and may not be updated, but with a view to the history of earnings, "Norsk Finansanalyse ASA" presumably had an income of 8.000.000 NKR. in year 2000.On the web there is some information of interest, download this document now. "Norsk Finansanalyse AS increases investment in EnerVision Inc. above 17% from 10%" 7 November 2003  Skailand Kranservice has started with a countermeasure against SeaEx AS, and/or responsible person/persons. A document has been sendt to Telemark Police District, with the requirements, to prosecute and sentence the company SeaEx AS and/or responsible person/persons. Download the document as a jpg-file HERE! (141kb), and word-document HERE! (26kb) (Unfortunately the law in Norway, is at the benefit for greyzonecriminal's, and the case was newer opened for investigations)
8 November 2003  Information from Tallinn, Estonia, confirm's that the labour which worked for SeaEx AS on the ship, cleaning the cilicate-mineral for clay, has yet not been paid fully salary's. It's presumably talking about 4-5 men's payment, and the total amount is around 20.000 NKR. How low can the moral sense get.
10 November 2003 Skailand Kranservice carried out a check of SeaEx AS's creditworthiness, by ( done at a company with a licence to use ) The result talks it's own story, no comments will be necessary. Download the document HERE! It's in Norwegian text, but the figures speaks for themself, independent of language.
2 December 2003 Skailand Kranservice will probable request SeaEx AS bankrupt in the middle of December 2003. Now it's just a matter of time and money. The loss so far is about 83.000 NKR. To spend another 20.000 NKR to settle the situation, will be a pleasure, and will bring everything to rest. And then we can all join in the Happy Christmas Time, without vondering about treasures in the clay, deep in the sea.
6 December 2003
Now SeaEx AS is looking forward to being claimed bankrupt by Skailand Kranservice. And since it’s a pleasure to claim them bankrupt, everyone will be satisfied. The value of this site will for ever be of more value than SeaEx AS could ever dream of. The show has not began yet, stay with , and follow the story to the end. The site: will never let any company keep on walking, without any responsebility. Anyone of interest are welcome to contact for more information. Let the history speak it’s own story. All facts are not yet available, but they who live, will see for shure some day.
Manager Kenneth Skailand.
12 December 2003
After Skailand Kranservice had execute the commission in Tallinn, there came a period with waiting for the settlement. Now the time has come, when the owners of SeaEx AS will have to wonder, when Skailand Kranservice will take action, and claim SeaEx AS bankrupt. Lets see how long it will take the owners to come into the open, and liquidate SeaEx AS by own hands. Every morning they will have to ask themself, as to when is the day, when they will be claimed bankrupt. The signals given Skailand Kranservice, indicates that my line of action has been very irrational, and that may be so, but the question that has to be asked, is like this. Who put the salvage into effect, and who was in charge of the operation? In the end, SeaEx AS will only have themself to blame. Information from United Kingdom indikates that SeaEx As apparently belive that everything is going their way. Someone will never understand when the ship has sank. It has been very interesting to use the power of internet in this affair, and I consider the mission accomplished. Sincerely, Kenneth Skailand, manager of Skailand Kranservice and
20 Desember 2003
It it seems that SeaEx AS is just one of many company's that is under control/ownership structure of the men behind SeaEx AS. And when one company drop out, they just walk on to the next one, without any responsibility for the creditors left behind. Here's the company's found on the Brønnøysund-register. Taxus Biomed ASA 981187466mva, SeaEx AS, Trece AS, Skajaa Torgils, Vindholmen Produksjon AS, Herøya Utbygningsselskap AS, Norsk Finansanalyse ASA, Offshore Engineering Group AS 12 Januar 2004
The last correspondence between SeaEx AS and Skailand Kranservice, confirms that SeaEx AS no longer have any confidence in carrying on the business. Read the mail's HERE! (Norwegian text) 7 February 2004
By checking on the web, a new company seems to be of higher priority, than SeaEx AS, and Torgils Skajaa's name popped up, as a purchaser of shares/stock. Enter HERE! , and check for your self. 20 February 2004 SeaEx AS is at present time just a name to remember. All equipment has been purchased by one of the men behind SeaEx AS, Mr. Pål Espen Gauslaa . Mr. Gauslaa has even used the Norwegian Court of Justice, to legaly take over the ownership of all the special-equipment, requested when working with cargo on the sea bed. The Execution and Enforcement Commissioner, have in a letter, claimed me to return the container I did hold as a mortgage. The container did not represent any value for me, and it was returned to Mr. Pål Gauslaa the 13 February. All documents from the "Flekkefjord Tingrett & Namsmannen", will be available on this site, as jpg.files. This complete story, will show the different between moral sense, and practical application of the law. The documents are unfortunately only available in Norwegian text. Download HERE: "Flekkefjord Tingrett, case 04-00027 D" (349 kb) " Doc. to the Execution and Enforcement Commissioner (Namsmannen)" (36 kb) "Notice of Temporary Measure (Varsel om Forføyning)" (85 kb) "Pleading(s) sent to the court of law" (318 kb) "Exhibit no. 1,2,3 & 4." ( 250 kb) "Exhibit no. 5." (205 kb) "Exhibit no. 6." ( 134 kb) "Exhibit no. 7." ( 113 kb) "Exhibit no. 8." ( 52 kb) "Exhibit no. 9." (103 kb) "Exhibit no. 10." (176 kb) "Exhibit no. 11." (352 kb) In Tallinn, Estonia, the workers that did the cleaning of the silicate mineral, have still not received the full payment. Skailand Kranservice has undertaken the task, to represent the workers, and collect their salery from SeaEx AS or administrators. A document that will give power of attorney, is at present time beeing inscribed by the workers. Hopefully, the document will be ready within days, and mailed over to Norway. It may even be used to force forward a final solution, regarding SeaEx AS. Skailand Kranservice has write off the loss, and no longer consider about the lost income, but will do what's necessary, to help Valdur, Emil, Boris, Andrei and Seigej in Tallinn, Estonia. 24 February 2004 Source: Canada NewsWire< Attention Business Editors. HALIFAX, Feb. 4 /CNW/ - EnerVision Incorporated (TSX-HSI) announced today the following management changes in Helical Systems Inc. ("Helical"). Mr. Torgils Skajaa has assumed the position of Interim Chief Executive Officer replacing prior senior management of Mark James and Jeff Stockhausen who have resigned from their positions as President and Vice President. Mr. Skajaa, a director of Helical since August 2001, has extensive experience in the commercialization of emerging technologies. Mr. Skajaa will head the committee conducting a search for a replacement Chief Executive Officer.> It seems as if the possibility for success is better overseas. Or is it just a new "Salvage of Clay" Read the complete bulletin HERE! www.mobilcrane.com12 Mars 2004
 Bankrupcy is now a fact, SeaEx AS finaly realized the hopelessness, and did petition in bankruptcy at ”Skien og Porsgrunn Tingrett". The date for the opening of the bankrupcy was 1st. Mars 2004. Enter ”Brønnøysundregisterene” and read all the facts, click HERE! The specific document regarding SeaEx AS, is also available in Download HERE!
13 Mars 2004 The Minister of Justice, Odd Einar Dørum, attend to stop bankrupcy-criminality. Enter HERE! and read the article. Source: Dagens Næringsliv Also available straight from Enter and download HERE! (With my own commentation, all in Norwegian ) 14 Mars 2004
A demand for payment regarding Pål Espen Gauslaa's court costs was recived. Download HERE! 155kb .jpg After the affair with SeaEx AS, I have been taught some practices in delaying tactics, and started the proceedings with a demand for an invoice, containing all necessary information for the accounts, particularly the value added tax, VAT. Download HERE! 26kb.doc. And in accordance with SeaEx AS's line of action, my next step may be to offer them a "Form of Acceptance", which do promise great payments in the future. It's amusing how much joy a claim for 4.960 NKR may give one. A letter has also been sent to the Minister of Justice, Odd Einar Dørum, just to show the differens between theory and practice. Download and read for yourself, Norwegian text only. Click HERE! 25kb.doc
16 Mars 2004 Dagens Næringsliv
 No way to salvage SeaEx AS now. The company is now just a bag of unpaid invoices, and the owners have continued with other affairs. The newspaper "Dagens Næringsliv" wrote this article today, download and read it when you like, Norwegian text. Enter HERE! 345 kb
30 Mars 2004 16 Mars, the "Hegnar Online" made public this article, enter HERE! The article may be downloaded from , click HERE!
 18 Mars, the newspaper "Fædrelandsvennen" , located in the home-town of Mr. Skajaa and Mr. Øvrevik, had an article covering the bankrupcy. Available direct from, download HERE!
15 April 2004
The bankrupcy of SeaEx AS was administered by the "Skien og Porsgrunn Tingrett" 14 April. Download the "Preliminary Bankruptcy Proceedings" HERE! (422 kb jpg)
16 April 2004 Yesterday a new article was made public in the newspaper "Fædrelandsvennen" Enter HERE! to go to the site, or download from - HERE! (Doc 63kb)
The result of publication will be follow up by this web-site. Probable consequence of publication of this business-affair, is to prevent all future investors and supplier's from disinvestment's and probable loss. Skailand Kranservice will not accept any one to carry on business at the sacrifice of creditors, in long terms, without any countermeasures. Arguments and counter-arguments are welcome to this web-site. Enter HERE!
Manager Kenneth Skailand, Skailand Kranservice,
New release Oktober 2005, Rew 20080224